A world without print- and advertising waste
We are aware of the environmental impact print has. And as industry we are owner of this problem.
We are on a tipping point.
There is no plan(et) B
There is no plan(et) B
There is no plan(et) B
There is no plan(et) B
There is no plan(et) B
There is no plan(et) B
There is no plan(et) B
There is no plan(et) B
There is no plan(et) B
There is no plan(et) B
The problem:
Print Waste
All prints are literally thrown away after a short or long period of use. Even materials that are recyclable are not being recycled, simply because the opportunities do not exist.
Due to new European legislation, our industry will face new regulations in the near future (2023-2025). We as a print and sign industry will have to take responsibility. This will state that at least 30% of the products now used in our industry must be made of recycled materials.
The solution:
Sign Again is the first ever fully recycled rigid material, made from factory waste and used prints and is newly printable.
- 100% recycled and recyclable
- Endless opportunities
- Durable and Flexible
The process
The process of Sign Again Sign Again is the very first 100% and close loop recycled rigid material. To this end, we process factory waste and used prints into new sheet material for printing. In this way, print remains affordable and available and we are not dependent on increasingly scarce raw materials. Our goal is no longer to buy and sell print once, but to bring and keep it in a loop.

Used banners and cutting waste

Processing into regrind

New printable SignAgain sheet
The material
Enormously strong, impact and cut resistant, fire retardant and pliable. These are properties that can make the difference in many products and applications. Together with a group of printing professionals, we are embarking on an intensive research and development (R&D) journey to fine-tune the Sign Again material.

no sign to waste.
no sign to waste.
no sign to waste.
no sign to waste.
no sign to waste.
Enough talk, let's change the printing industry together.
Do you see opportunities in your industry? Get in touch with us, to partner up.